Thursday, June 2, 2011

Introducing Me and My Little Family ( Kayli )

I will start out with the head of my little group!

He is a soldier in the army and away in South Korea for the next year. When I met him I didn't take him for an adrenaline junkie but one helicopter pilots license, motorcycle license and an army contract later I'm beginning to wonder. He is my California boy. Unlike other guys who tried their hand at dating me, he was the only one who cared to really get to know me. Most other guys assumed they knew me but when asked my favorite color or what makes me mad, they would have no clue. Clayton took time to find out. He is my best friend. I think that if for some totally random reason we were not married, we would still be best friends. It's a good thing we married each other because our spouses would probably get super jealous. We can't help but flirt! He is a very hard worker and the brain of the family. He makes up for my chronic ailment of forgetfulness. He is also a neat freak which took some adjusting for me. He also taught me how to be real and actually live. Oh yeah and he's gorgeous!

Little Man:
He is our first born and a sweet heart. He has been going through the 2's but all I have to do is go to the park to know that he is a calm cool morning on a lake compared to most kids. He looks like me but has Clayton's logical thinking.

Baby Caden: He is our second and he is 3 months. He is our ressessive child in that he has blue eyes and blonde hair. He looks like Clayton but his personality is more me I think. He is a talker and all smiles.

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