Saturday, February 12, 2011

Our first post! About us!

We are two sisters, we share some DNA, but that is about where the similarities end! However we get a long great and accept each other for who we are. We never take each other seriously and as a result we have developed a sense of humor that is all our own. We are VERY sarcastic. Melissa being more skilled in it than Kayli. The laughter never seems to end with us. So we decided to do this world a favor and let them in on the secret world of us. Be prepared to laugh and get to know a side of us that you have probably never seen before.

[About Melissa... by Kayli]
What is her favorite animal and why?
Hippos… I guess she just likes fat things!
Who is her Disney crush?
Aladdin because she’s got a thing for guys in hammer pants.
Do you think she is funny?
I think she thinks she’s funny J
What is your favorite thing about your sister?
She is easily manipulated and very gullible.
Who is the better driver?
Her. It takes talent to hit a brick wall.
Team Edward or Team Jacob?
She would be the vampire that falls for the werewolf.
When I die Melissa will remember me for this?
She will wonder what else I lied to her about.
If Melissa was an animal what would she be?
She says she is like a unicorn… I’m not sure why exactly.
What type of model would she be?
Easy breezy beautiful cover girl.
What song would people sing at Melissa’s funeral?
They would chant, “Bring out  your dead.” From Monty Python

[About Kayli...By Melissa]

If Kayli’s life had a theme song what would it be?
I don’t know but the one song that will always make me think of Kayli is, “On top of the World” by the Carpenters. 
If she was a cartoon character which would she be?
Chuckie from Rugrats because he  was always so cautious and innocent.
If she was a dessert what would she be?
Chocolate cake because she is super sweet and everybody loves her.
If she could be anything when she grew up what would she be?
Politician because all she ever did was debate.
If she was a Pokemon, what would she be?
Pikachu. Because she has cheeks!
Who is her Disney crush?
Shang from Mulan or Pheobus from The Hunchback. She has a thing for army men.
What is her sense of humor like?
Kinda like mine but not as funny
What’s the worst thing she has ever done?
I will let you know when it happens.
Favorite memory with Kayli?
When she high fived my face for no reason!

1 comment:

  1. This will be so fun! Can you put up a follow box so I know when you post?! :)
