Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Things I Learned From Kayli Growing Up

Kayli and I are 18 months apart, so we grew up very close. Its amazing to me how two kids can be raised the same and turn out to be different people. that being said Kayli was the smart one and I was, what kayli would call "Street Smart" which I think is her way of saying "You're smart but not in a way that matters" lol. Growing up with Kayli I just assumed that everything she told me was the truth, I'm sure our husbands get tired of these stories but we think they are hilarious, so here are the things I learned from Kayli growing up.

1. Someday in the future the world will run out of oxygen. Now Kayli made it seem like the future was a lot closer then it actually was, so we fast forward to the day where my mom sat me down and explained to me that keeping jars of air in my closet wasn't necessary, and that Kayli didn't mean what she said.

2.If you stand in front of a mirror in the dark and say bloody mary 3 times a creepy dead lady will come out and attack you. I really believe Kayli thought this was true because one day she put me in the bathroom with the lights off and held the door shut behind behind so I couldn't get out and through the door she began to chant "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary" Had I been smarter I would have turned the light on but the truth is I was so scared all I could do was scream and cry. I believe she thought it was true and was using me to test it out.

3.Whales will someday grow legs and walk on land and come and eat me. This one is apparently a joke but I took it like she meant it. Which in all honesty is probably the root of the fear I have of whales today. But the fears I have nowadays that come from Kayli is a whole other post in and of itself.

Kayli was alive 18 months longer then me so I only assumed she knew everything.:) I Love You Kayli!

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