Monday, March 5, 2012

Leggings & Tights Are Not Pants!

There has been a growing epidemic lately of the horrible crime of women wearing their leggings or even tights (if you can belive that) as pants in this country and I would like to educate as many people as I can of the do's and do not's here. And I'm certain Kayli will back me up on this.

Lets start with Leggings. When worn correctly leggings can add a great look to your outfit. Leggings are meant to be worn under skirts or dresses and even under long shirts. And when I say long shirts thats exactly what I mean. If I can see your butt, your shirt is not long enough to be worn with leggings.

Here's an example of what should be seen and not seen by the public domain with leggings.

And this is why that is so important! (and these women even have nice bodies)

When leggings are worn as pants, no imagination is needed to wonder what your butt looks like. And don't even get me started about the front too, because thats something I know nobody wants to see.

Now onto tights, I really shouldn't have to explain why tights (pantyhose) shouldn't be worn as pants but I actually saw an older woman where them as pants at the mall yesterday and I'm still trying to get my vision back.
Tights are only meant to go under dresses & skirts and maybe the occasional shorts if you feel so inclined, and heres why that rule is so important:

Please wear your clothing responsibly and don't embarass yourself, because whether you're skinny or over your goal weight leggings and tights should always be covered up with something past the butt. Thank You!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Introducing Me and My Little Family ( Kayli )

I will start out with the head of my little group!

He is a soldier in the army and away in South Korea for the next year. When I met him I didn't take him for an adrenaline junkie but one helicopter pilots license, motorcycle license and an army contract later I'm beginning to wonder. He is my California boy. Unlike other guys who tried their hand at dating me, he was the only one who cared to really get to know me. Most other guys assumed they knew me but when asked my favorite color or what makes me mad, they would have no clue. Clayton took time to find out. He is my best friend. I think that if for some totally random reason we were not married, we would still be best friends. It's a good thing we married each other because our spouses would probably get super jealous. We can't help but flirt! He is a very hard worker and the brain of the family. He makes up for my chronic ailment of forgetfulness. He is also a neat freak which took some adjusting for me. He also taught me how to be real and actually live. Oh yeah and he's gorgeous!

Little Man:
He is our first born and a sweet heart. He has been going through the 2's but all I have to do is go to the park to know that he is a calm cool morning on a lake compared to most kids. He looks like me but has Clayton's logical thinking.

Baby Caden: He is our second and he is 3 months. He is our ressessive child in that he has blue eyes and blonde hair. He looks like Clayton but his personality is more me I think. He is a talker and all smiles.

The Warning Post

So before me and my sister take this blog to the next level, I feel the need to warn you about something that has been going on between us since Melissa was born. That is sarcasm. Melissa was born with it and in order to avoid hurt feelings I had to developed the gift on my own as a form of protection. If you were to be a fly on the wall in a room with our family, you might think we all hate each other. That is simply not true. We just have a lot of fun being witty and sarcastic. So please do not take us seriously, because we sure as heck don't!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Our Long List Of Pets

So Kayli and I have had more then a dozen pets in our lifetime, all but of few are now dead. As each pet died, ran away or was given away our parents (for some odd reason) kept allowing us to get new ones. Here is our long list of pets that we have had in our lifetime, I may forget a few :)

Cats: We seem to do alot better with cats than any other animal, they tend to live the longest for us but thats probably because they have nine lives.

1st Theres was "Boston" we got him when I was maybe 5 or 6 idk but he quickly turned out to be the most evil cat to walk this earth. See when I was young I thought it was fun to play ring around the rosie with Boston by swinging him around by his front paws and letting go at the end. Turns out he didn't like that and started to come into our room while we were sleeping and trying to suffocate me by laying on my face so I couldnt breathe. He later bit Kayli in the neck like a vampire and thats when we knew the demon could no longer live with us anymore. we gave him to an elderly couple that had a farm and last we heard was that he was better there then with us.

2nd "Cream Puff" I think this was my moms cat from Utah I can't remember, all I remember was cream puff coming home one day with its nose scratched off by the other outside cats and the next thing I knew we were at the vets office and my mom told me she was going to take a long "nap", which I thought was odd since we buried it while she was taking her "nap"

3rd was "Oliver". Oliver was our favorite, we took him off the streets and he was the nicest cat we had ever known, I'd like to think that Oliver was a free spirit and that thats why he stopped coming home one day. :(

4th "Pepper". Oh pepper I have nothing good to say about you. Pepper was a kitten we found that gave Kayli and I ring worm :p those were not good times but we gave him away.

5th "Po & Tato" Our most recent cats, Po is still alive and is the most docile and patient cat I have ever met, My daughter loves to rip her fur out and she lets Tato died last year to fatness, she was probably the laziest cat I had ever known. After her death my dad didn't want Po to be lonely so they bought what they thought was a girl cat but turned out to be a boy cat to fill the void Tato left. However noone likes Max and will not miss him if something were to happen to

So ends the Cats which we had more of the any other type of animal. Here are the others

2 frogs- Kayli and I wanted to play with them outside so we took them to play in a mud puddle and as soon as they hit the water they dug into the mud and we never saw them again.

4 Hamsters- they all died mine had a heart attack and was eaten by our cat, Kayli's...well I don't know what happened to the other one but when I went to play with one of them it jumped out of its cage and ran under the oven and committed suicide by chewing on the electrical wires and frying itself.

Countless fish- Walmart fish.....Yeah they all died

2 Tortises- Turtles were my favorite animal and my friend got me two for my birthday, They literally hibernated all the time so I became bored with them pretty quick so my mom gave them to a school as class pets.

1 Hermit crab- This was Kayli's and whether she belives me or not I knew it wasn't dead before she buried it. It had shed its skin and Kayli thought it died but it hadn't but I'm sure it did after being buried alive.

1 Dog- KC was a good dog but had way too much energy for our family, we eventually had to give her away, which was sad because it took Kayli years to convince my parents to get her one.

Well I think thats it, I feel like I'm forgetting some butthey must not have been awesome enough for me to remember them. I dont plan on having any more pets in my lifetime only because my past is telling me I don't deserve them :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Things I learned from Melissa...(rebuttle)

Ok so I admit... I may have teased my sister. It's what big sisters do! But that doesn't mean Melissa was an angel. While I cornered the market on mental manipulation, she fought back with a good right hook. Ok she never hit me persay it was more she threw the good book at me. No literally. We had a small bible with a wooden cover that left a nice gash on my head. I also learned that getting smacked with a phone book can stunt your growth. So yes, I told my sister whales will eat her, and to this day she is traumatized but before you feel all sorry for her realize that she got me back! All is fair in love and sibling rivalry!
Kayli :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Things I Learned From Kayli Growing Up

Kayli and I are 18 months apart, so we grew up very close. Its amazing to me how two kids can be raised the same and turn out to be different people. that being said Kayli was the smart one and I was, what kayli would call "Street Smart" which I think is her way of saying "You're smart but not in a way that matters" lol. Growing up with Kayli I just assumed that everything she told me was the truth, I'm sure our husbands get tired of these stories but we think they are hilarious, so here are the things I learned from Kayli growing up.

1. Someday in the future the world will run out of oxygen. Now Kayli made it seem like the future was a lot closer then it actually was, so we fast forward to the day where my mom sat me down and explained to me that keeping jars of air in my closet wasn't necessary, and that Kayli didn't mean what she said.

2.If you stand in front of a mirror in the dark and say bloody mary 3 times a creepy dead lady will come out and attack you. I really believe Kayli thought this was true because one day she put me in the bathroom with the lights off and held the door shut behind behind so I couldn't get out and through the door she began to chant "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary" Had I been smarter I would have turned the light on but the truth is I was so scared all I could do was scream and cry. I believe she thought it was true and was using me to test it out.

3.Whales will someday grow legs and walk on land and come and eat me. This one is apparently a joke but I took it like she meant it. Which in all honesty is probably the root of the fear I have of whales today. But the fears I have nowadays that come from Kayli is a whole other post in and of itself.

Kayli was alive 18 months longer then me so I only assumed she knew everything.:) I Love You Kayli!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Our first post! About us!

We are two sisters, we share some DNA, but that is about where the similarities end! However we get a long great and accept each other for who we are. We never take each other seriously and as a result we have developed a sense of humor that is all our own. We are VERY sarcastic. Melissa being more skilled in it than Kayli. The laughter never seems to end with us. So we decided to do this world a favor and let them in on the secret world of us. Be prepared to laugh and get to know a side of us that you have probably never seen before.

[About Melissa... by Kayli]
What is her favorite animal and why?
Hippos… I guess she just likes fat things!
Who is her Disney crush?
Aladdin because she’s got a thing for guys in hammer pants.
Do you think she is funny?
I think she thinks she’s funny J
What is your favorite thing about your sister?
She is easily manipulated and very gullible.
Who is the better driver?
Her. It takes talent to hit a brick wall.
Team Edward or Team Jacob?
She would be the vampire that falls for the werewolf.
When I die Melissa will remember me for this?
She will wonder what else I lied to her about.
If Melissa was an animal what would she be?
She says she is like a unicorn… I’m not sure why exactly.
What type of model would she be?
Easy breezy beautiful cover girl.
What song would people sing at Melissa’s funeral?
They would chant, “Bring out  your dead.” From Monty Python

[About Kayli...By Melissa]

If Kayli’s life had a theme song what would it be?
I don’t know but the one song that will always make me think of Kayli is, “On top of the World” by the Carpenters. 
If she was a cartoon character which would she be?
Chuckie from Rugrats because he  was always so cautious and innocent.
If she was a dessert what would she be?
Chocolate cake because she is super sweet and everybody loves her.
If she could be anything when she grew up what would she be?
Politician because all she ever did was debate.
If she was a Pokemon, what would she be?
Pikachu. Because she has cheeks!
Who is her Disney crush?
Shang from Mulan or Pheobus from The Hunchback. She has a thing for army men.
What is her sense of humor like?
Kinda like mine but not as funny
What’s the worst thing she has ever done?
I will let you know when it happens.
Favorite memory with Kayli?
When she high fived my face for no reason!